Also in this section
Book a Library Class
Staff may click the button below to fill in our booking request form.
Terms + conditions of booking:
- Lecturers must be present during the entire Library session.
- Requests must be submitted two weeks in advance.
- Requests may not be able to be fulfilled at particularly busy points in the year, such as the start of term.
Library 101
Confused about the Library? Start here!
Click on the button below to access our Library 101 guide. It will walk you through everything in the Library, from the Library space itself, to checking out books, to accessing online articles, to getting a laptop loan, and much more.
Course Guides
The button below will bring you to guides for your course areas.
Academic Skills + Writing Guides
Click below for help with writing assignments. Topics include referencing, writing literature reviews, Zotero software, avoiding plagiarism, and more.
Academic skills + writing guides
- Academic Integrity + Plagiarism
- Advanced Searching
- Artificial Intelligence
- Copyright
- Critical Thinking: Finding + Evaluating the Right Information Online
- IADT Journal of Research + Creativity (IJRC)
- Illustro Institutional Repository
- Library 101: Everything you need to get started with the Library
- Literature Reviews
- Referencing: Print, Online & Media Resources
- Zotero Reference Management Software
For Staff + Teaching
The button above will bring you to a list of guides that can help staff with the practicalities of teaching online using Blackboard, as well as concepts such as operating within copyright law, using Open Educational Resources, being aware of Equality, Diversity + Inclusion, and more.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Assessment & Evaluation
- Critical Thinking: Finding + Evaluating the Right Information Online
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- IADT Journal of Research + Creativity (IJRC)
- Illustro Institutional Repository
- Library 101: Everything you need to get started with the Library
- Open Educational Resources (OERs)
- Publishing through Open Access
- Universal Design for Learning
We highly encourage all lecturers to take advantage of Open Educational Resources, which are of the same quality as paywalled resources, but are published freely and openly under an Open Access ethos, and ensure equity of access to class materials for all your students. Click the button above to find out more.
Video: preparing reading lists
Above is a link to a video explaining how to build up your reading lists by searching and utilising materials available in the Library. It is important to check that reading materials you assign are accessible by students, either through being available in the Library or through utilising Open Educational Resources.
For Researchers
Main page: Research @ IADT Library
The link above will bring you to a list of guides to help with research, such as how to do a literature review, reference management tool Zotero, and advanced searching.
- Advanced Searching
- Artificial Intelligence
- IADT Journal of Research + Creativity (IJRC)
- Illustro Institutional Repository
- Library 101: Everything you need to get started with the Library
- Literature Reviews
- Masters by Research + Doctorate
- Open Educational Resources (OERs)
- Publishing through Open Access
- Referencing: Print, Online & Media Resources
- Zotero Reference Management Software
Open Access refers to unrestricted online access to articles published in scholarly journals, and also increasingly to book chapters or monographs. This allows you access to hundreds of thousands more publications that can be used in your research.
Learn more about the IADT Library Open Access Collections at the link above.
Illustro Institutional Repository
IADT’s Illustro Institutional Repository collects, preserves, and disseminates the intellectual and creative outputs of our Institution. This represents our commitment to Open Access and open scholarship. It presents an opportunity for staff and students to showcase the incredible work that is created in IADT, enabling the worldwide dissemination and long-term preservation of our research and creative outputs. Illustro is managed by the Institute Library and hosted on the Figshare platform. The Repository is organised by collections and sub-collections and is highly searchable and discoverable.
For further information go to:
We recommend that all academic staff and researchers deposit their research output in the repository. This will ensure your research gets maximum exposure as it is indexed by Google Scholar, Bing, Google, Microsoft Academic, and all other major search engines. Many funders including Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, and the EU via Horizon 2020 require researchers to make their research publications available to all via open access within certain time periods. For further information on how to submit your research to the repository contact us at
ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization created by the research community for the benefit of all stakeholders, including the organizations that support the research ecosystem. ORCID’s name was formed from the acronym “Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier”. It provides a unique persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes researchers. The ORCID vision is of a world where all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions and affiliations across time, disciplines, and borders.
The Irish ORCID Consortium
IADT is part of the Irish ORCID Consortium. ORCID consortia foster communities of practice that apply ORCID services and resources in regional and national contexts, using global implementation standards. The Irish ORCID consortium is part of a co-ordinated approach to the adoption and integration of ORCID in Ireland, directed by the Higher Education Authority.
All IADT researchers should create an ORCID ID and connect it to IADT.
International Students
If you’re an international student, we have a webpage and help guide with information you might need for your time in IADT.