The Library provides a wide range of supports and services for researchers. The Library also provides guidance for researchers in identifying key resources, developing a researcher profile and maximizing the impact of their research. See some of the services we offer below.
IReL resources and Open Access publishing
In March 2023 IADT joined the IReL (Irish Research eLibrary) Open Access consortium. Joining IReL has given us access to considerable additional resources, including Cambridge, Oxford, Sage, and Wiley journals, amongst others.
IReL also provides opportunities for Open Access publishing without needing to pay article processing fees. More info on Orchard here.
Help guides + courses
The link above will bring you to a list of guides to help with research, such as how to do a literature review, using reference management tool Zotero, and advanced searching.
CORRIE – Collaborative Open Resources on Research Integrity and Ethics
Click above to access a course on research integrity and ethics, developed by MTU, ATU, and the University of Windsor.
Publishing through Open Access
In publicly funded institutions, even though research is largely produced with public money by researchers who share it freely, the results are hidden behind technical, legal, and financial barriers. These artificial barriers are maintained by legacy publishers through traditional subscription journal models, and restrict access to a small fraction of users, locking out most of the world’s population and preventing the use of new research techniques.
As a response to this situation, the development of OA publishing arose. Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles combined with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Source
In March 2023 IADT joined the IReL (Irish Research eLibrary) Open Access consortium. Joining IReL has given us access to considerable additional resources, including Cambridge, Oxford, Sage, and Wiley journals, amongst others. IReL also provides opportunities for Open Access publishing without needing to pay article processing fees. More info on Orcahrd here.
To find out more about how to publish your work through Open Access, please see our Library guide on the topic at the button below.
PURE - IADT's Research Information System
Click the link below to find out more about PURE, including videos on how to set up your researcher profile and adding research activities on PURE (staff login required).
Adding research activities on PURE
Please contact if you need any help to set up your Pure profile.
Open Access Collections
Open Access refers to unrestricted online access to articles published in scholarly journals, and also increasingly to book chapters or monographs. This allows you access to hundreds of thousands more publications that can be used in your research.
Learn more about the IADT Library Open Access Collections here.
Research Tools including Sage Research Methods
There are many tools designed to help you to organise, manage, compile and share your research more easily. The link below will bring you to details about some tools that you may find particularly helpful, including Sage Research Methods.
These include tools to plan your research timeline, determine what data gathering and statistical methods you should use, organise your citations and bibliographies, and disseminate your research using your personal ORCiD identifier.
Illustro Institutional Repository
Illustro Institutional Repository
IADT’s Illustro Institutional Repository collects, preserves, and disseminates the intellectual and creative outputs of our Institution. This represents our commitment to Open Access and open scholarship. It presents an opportunity for staff and students to showcase the incredible work that is created in IADT, enabling the worldwide dissemination and long-term preservation of our research and creative outputs. Illustro is managed by the Institute Library and hosted on the Figshare platform. The Repository is organised by collections and sub-collections and is highly searchable and discoverable.
For further information go to:
We recommend that all academic staff and researchers deposit their research output in the repository. This will ensure your research gets maximum exposure as it is indexed by Google Scholar, Bing, Google, Microsoft Academic, and all other major search engines. Many funders including Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, and the EU via Horizon 2020 require researchers to make their research publications available to all via open access within certain time periods. For further information on how to submit your research to the repository contact us at
About ORCID Identifiers
ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization created by the research community for the benefit of all stakeholders, including the organizations that support the research ecosystem. ORCID’s name was formed from the acronym “Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier”. It provides a unique persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes researchers. The ORCID vision is of a world where all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions and affiliations across time, disciplines, and borders.
You can find out more about ORCID for researchers here.
The Irish ORCID Consortium
IADT is part of the Irish ORCID Consortium. ORCID consortia foster communities of practice that apply ORCID services and resources in regional and national contexts, using global implementation standards. The Irish ORCID consortium is part of a co-ordinated approach to the adoption and integration of ORCID in Ireland, directed by the Higher Education Authority.
All IADT researchers should create an ORCID ID and connect it to IADT.